Regular woven texture blog by request

In some of my posts, I have lightly touched on some of the weaving research into texture that I have been focussing on in the past 2 years, and which are the subject of some of the lectures that I am giving at the Complex Weavers’ Seminars and also at...

Weaving Volcanoes

You’d have thought we’d all have had enough of volcanoes just recently, wouldn’t you?  But it seems I just can’t help myself!  I’m now weaving them!  Yesterday it was dunes and waves, today it’s volcanoes!  I was watching The...


Autumn is most definitely with us now.  In the last two weeks, the weather has got progressively colder, and the days shorter, although we have only had one real day of rain here in the middle of England.  The sun is much lower in the sky and walking Charlie in the...

Seeing Things with Fresh Eyes

Several things have conspired towards today’s blog topic, the way life sometimes does.  Firstly we had a summer barbeque which forced me to look at our house and garden through another’s eyes – actually around 35 others’ eyes – and has prompted a makeover of the...

The Power of Words

I love words.  They have the power to harm or to heal, to empower or to reduce, to inspire or to deflate.  I try to write a journal most days and I do that in the mornings, before the day’s tasks and “must dos” get in the way.  It’s a stream of consciousness thing –...