Publication Day Has Arrived!!!
Woohoo! I can now shout it from the rooftops – Woven Optical Illusions is being published TODAY – 26 April 2024! Sorry if I seem a little excited, but it’s been a long time coming and I know from your emails to me that you feel the same! But now, if you’ve...
International Weaving Network ‘Bee’ exhibition – live
The weaving group International Weaving presents its third virtual International Weaving Exhibition with the theme ‘BEES’. Woven art by weavers from UK, France, and The Netherlands can be seen in the virtual exhibition from 1 April 2024. See or...
Woven Optical Illusions – Pre-Order available!!
Woo hoo!! WOI is imminent! You have been waiting patiently for so long and we really appreciate your wonderful support and encouragement! AND FINALLY - we're so happy to announce that Woven Optical Illusions is now available for pre-order! It is due to be...
Laura Thomas at the Makers Guild Wales, in Cardiff
Laura Thomas' solo show of work from her first twenty years of business (yikes, where does the time go??!) is now installed in its second venue in Wales. It was first on show in the Ruthin Craft Centre for three months at the end of 2023, and has now moved south...
Jazz in Nérac
If I asked you to name something that makes your life more enjoyable, in this part of the world you would likely mention culture. It's something the French do incredibly well. Of course, it's not everywhere, but we happen to have landed in a particularly brilliant...
Tapestry in Nérac – Laurence Cahn
Today I got the opportunity to visit a short exhibition by a local (Agen) tapestry artist - Laurence Cahn. In our local Galerie Padma, Laurence is showing some of her vibrant, engaging tapestries. She deliberately packs in lots of colour, irregularly shaped areas and...
12S Louët Spring countermarche loom for sale
My lovely 12-shaft, 14-treadle Louët Spring countermarche loom is looking for its next weaving paradise! Sadly, I am having to say goodbye to a very lovely loom because I just don't have room to house all my weaving companions!! The shed on this loom is just...
Woven Optical Illusions – News!!
After weeks of radio silence on the progress of our book Woven Optical Illusions, co-author Katharina Kronig and I are now really proud to announce that Crowood Press, from the UK, have taken the book into its portfolio and are publishing it in hardback in a few...
Weaving exhibition in Lectoure
Although it's only on for a week, there is a fabulous weaving exhibition on in Lectoure, Gers, right now. Monique Dautant weaves in the Landes region (the departement to the west of us) and has created beautiful wall hangings from simple weaves on four shafts and...