The Loom Room France    –    unlock your creativity through weaving

Here you will find a world of weaving – art, philosophy, sharing of knowledge and above all a love of all things weaving.

The joint goals of my life are:

i) introducing non-weavers and weavers alike to the artistic and therapeutic possibilities of weaving and unlocking/transforming your creativity as weavers and weaving artists through online and studio courses and workshops;

ii) to be a conduit for exploring, expressing and sharing my experience of the natural world through weave in my art and through my books.

If you’ve not yet visited our Welcome page to get a flavour of where we live, click here…. 


STOP PRESS: Optical Illusions + Weaving = Woven Optical Illusions!! 

The Woven Optical Illusions book is now for sale!!!! 

Click here to find out more!!