For the Debutante!!
Weaving your first warp is a magical experience! It’s never too late to learn and within a short time you will be creating some wonderful and unique fabric.
Creating a woven web of coloured yarns and watching patterns grow under your hands as you throw the shuttle and change the lifts is something that never grows old, no matter how long you have been weaving! But that very first time is something else!!
The satisfaction and sense of achievement is palpable, the realisation that what looked so complicated to learn was actually straight forward once you knew the process and did it one step at a time. Self-confidence grows with each pick and the possibilities of what you can imagine and create develop so quickly!
The Structure:
You will be guided step by step, progressing from initial ideas through to finished weaving using an 8-step process, including starting with the end in mind, planning, making the warp, getting the warp ready to weave, weaving and finishing off, so that you are ready to take your first weaving home in triumph!
The Experience:
Learn something new in a relaxed and tranquil setting. You will be encouraged every step of the way by an experienced guide and you’ll be able to ask questions and work through solutions in a supportive atmosphere. Learning to weave is a pleasurable and rewarding experience, opening up a whole new world of possibilities of manipulating threads! In addition, you’ll get to sample the laid-back life and beauty of this part of France!! See what other new weavers have said …