by StaceyW | Feb 25, 2024 | Art, Creativity, Education, Hints n Tips, Life, Psychology, Publications, Teaching, textiles, Weaving
Woo hoo!! WOI is imminent! You have been waiting patiently for so long and we really appreciate your wonderful support and encouragement! AND FINALLY – we’re so happy to announce that Woven Optical Illusions is now available for pre-order! It is...
by StaceyW | Jun 12, 2023 | Art, Creativity, Education, Life, Publications, Teaching, textiles, Weaving
After weeks of radio silence on the progress of our book Woven Optical Illusions, co-author Katharina Kronig and I are now really proud to announce that Crowood Press, from the UK, have taken the book into its portfolio and are publishing it in hardback in a few...
by StaceyW | Aug 21, 2022 | Art, Book Review, Creativity, Education, Psychology, Publications, Teaching, textiles, Weaving
The Loom Shed and The Loom Room France are joining forces! I’m so excited to be chatting online to Liz and Louise at The Loom Shed in two weeks’ time (Sat 3 Sept) about the upcoming book Woven Optical Illusions by Katharina Krönig and me. I’ll be making a presentation...
by StaceyW | Jan 16, 2022 | Art, Education, Publications, Teaching, Weaving
A New Year and a new phase of our Woven Optical Illusions has begun. It’s time to put down those shuttles (at least temporarily) and pick up the pencil – I know – I’m old school! OK then, dust off the computer keyboard and transcribe all those scribbled notes made...
by StaceyW | Jul 13, 2021 | Education, Publications, Teaching, Weaving
Twice in one week?? What is going on? It’s the New England Weavers Seminars 2021!!! Have you registered yet?? The closing date is Thursday 15th July and it’s only $10 US to hear four international speakers! Here’s the link so you can hop right on...