A New Year and a new phase of our Woven Optical Illusions has begun.
It’s time to put down those shuttles (at least temporarily) and pick up the pencil – I know – I’m old school! OK then, dust off the computer keyboard and transcribe all those scribbled notes made during the weaving process!
Not all the weaving has been done, of course. Katharina Krönig and I continue to get lots of ideas that we want to work on, but it’s important to bring together the strands that we have done so far to create a form that makes sense to us and to you, our prospective readers and weaving friends!!!!
It’s obvious from your responses that there’s a real passion for optical effects and weaving combined and we’re really looking forward to sharing what we’ve learned.
And you have been getting involved too! A number of wonderful weavers have been weaving optical pieces and we are going to be including some of them in the book!! They are so impressive that I’m going to feature a few people in blog posts over the next few months.
So I just wanted to say a big thank you for being part of this fun project, for your interest, your participation and for sharing your enthusiasm with us! We have some more things optical and weaving to announce very shortly, but more on that later….
And if anyone you know has an interest in optical illusions/effects in weaving, they are warmly invited to join us! Click on the link to sign up for early bird information and special offers! https://theloomroomfrance.com/woven-optical-illusions
We’ll be in touch again very soon – and Happy Weaving!!
Images: Atwater Bronson 8S