Snow and Steam

This morning we awoke to the most snow anyone in this area can remember for around 20 years!  It is sooo beautiful!  I am so lucky that I work from a studio next to the house, so I only had a short passage to clear to the workshop door, and the woodburning stove had...

24 hours until publication

Only 24 hours to go until publication of my monograph, Woven Shibori for Textural Effects! It’s really exciting!  There is nothing quite as thrilling as seeing your first authorial efforts in print!  So that means that there are only 24 hours to go to get the...

Weaving and Cosmetics??

Have you noticed that this winter, cosmetics houses are focussing on the ‘feel’ factor of make-up?  Satins, sables, and velvet are just some of the textures they are using to describe their products.  As textile people we know that touch can override all...