by StaceyW | Jun 10, 2018 | Education, Life, Nature, textiles, Weaving
Hi and welcome to my first ever video blog notes! Unfortunately, I can’t upload the video directly to this page because of its file size, so you’ll have to view it through Facebook. During the 5min video, I referred to Complex Weavers, an organisation for...
by StaceyW | Mar 21, 2010 | Art, Education, Philosophy, Teaching, Weaving
It’s been an interesting March so far. Firstly there was Hattie on YouTube, which as I write has had over 1300 visits (and certainly not all by me!!) Secondly I have been writing a booklet to accompany a workshop I give on Texture in Textiles. It’s the...
by StaceyW | Mar 7, 2010 | Weaving
One of my birthday presents this year was a dictaphone that I can put on a cord round my neck and take with me everywhere I go. What a brilliant present!! Thanks, Chris! I now have a way to save my thoughts as and when I think them, especially when out walking with...