Sorry to republish this, but I was asked by Dusan from Arahne to make it clear that Arahne did not charge for my phone calls, but that I was referring to my telecoms provider. I am more than happy to clarify that, with my apologies if anyone read it that way. I also forgot to put in the links for my weaving friends, so I’m pleased to have got the opportunity to update those.
I missed last week’s blog as I was working away on a TC-1, a computer jacquard handloom. What was even nicer was that I was visiting fellow Complex Weaver, Belinda Rose. Belinda has a TC-1 set up at the moment for 60 epi and 14″ wide, with 4 modules deep. She has a black/white warp so that was ideal for utilising double cloth structures. I was exploring a number of images to create dimensional effects. I don’t yet know the total outcome as I have still to repair the various ends that need mending and then to photograph the work before shoving it in the washing machine!!
I’ve been using ArahPaint4 and ArahWeave, and after overcoming some teething problems with the Operating Software, and several expensive (but well worth it) phone calls to Dusan and Anton at Arahne, and a helpful email from fellow weaver and friend Sheila O’Hara, I was able to do what I wanted to do…. The weaving community is a wonderfully warm and helpful one!
Since I’ve been back in my studio, I’ve mostly been tidying up and getting everything in order so as to de-clutter my mind before I fling myself back into the sample weaving on the AVL dobby loom. I’ve been thinking how to translate some of my jacquard thinking into dobby weaving, and am looking forward to trying a few things out.
I find December to be quite a strange month. There’s the frenetic activity in schools and shops, compared with the quieter times in the studio with less teaching and fewer workshops and lectures. I actually like this down time. It’s a time for reflection, a time for planning, a time for re-evaluating priorities. This economic downturn we’re all in has repercussions for most of us, and I am no exception. It’s really easy to feel low when the money dries up and times are tough, but we have a choice in how we react to these circumstances. Today I made my decision – I’m going to relish the challenge of overcoming the difficulties. So this winter, I am using my existing stash and not buying any more yarn. I am selling off yarn I no longer require (such as a 6ply cotton rug warp!!) and some books that I have duplicated. I am tidying up so that I know what I have, and I am using my book resources combined with my own weaving experience to develop my work. Technology is wonderful, but I sometimes forget how resourceful we humans can be, and when pushed to it, it’s good to rediscover that side of us.
One of the many sayings that sounds good to me is “Want what you have, not have what you want”. Right now, that’s a good place to be!!