Over the last few weeks, I’ve indulged in some creative downtime! After the hectic scheduling of Complex Weavers and Convergence, Agnes and I headed off for a road trip (aka Thelma and Louise – without the dramatic ending!!). Agnes was in charge of itinerary, and we headed out to Arizona, aiming for Page, via the Painted Desert and Petrified Forest. We took two days to get there, so we could take in unscheduled photo-call stops along the way. Once at Page, after a day to get our bearings, drive around and see what was available, stopping in for quite a while at the lovely little Powell Museum in Page, each day we scheduled somewhere to visit in the morning, and then chilled out for the remainder of the day. It worked well with the weather (thunder storms most days in the late afternoon and evening), and gave us some downtime to process everything we saw and experienced. We both journal to help that filtering process, and we both took loads of photos, sometimes of the same shot, sometimes completely different things.
Over the 10 days we had, we visited the Grand Canyon twice – the north rim was amazing both in sunlight and in cloud and rain – Bryce Canyon (which was simply amazing!), Antelope Canyon, took a ride down Glen Canyon, and came back to New Mexico via Monument Valley. I haven’t got round to sorting out my photos yet as I’m teaching non-stop until September, but as and when I do, I’ll post a few with my Sunday blog.
People had told me previously that these places are not appreciated until they are experienced, and I can wholeheartedly endorse that view. The feeling you get when you are standing near the edge of any big canyon, especially when it is shrouded in mist and rain and you can’t see the edge (!), and suddenly the mist rolls back, the rain lifts and a peak is illuminated by a shaft of sunlight and glows a rich red is breathtaking. This is when you appreciate the wonders of nature firsthand, and realise your place in the big scheme of things and acknowledge deep in your soul how small you are and yet how integral a part of the whole shebang. It is a salutary experience and worth remembering when back in the hum-drum of everyday routine. What food for the brain and visual stimulation for the eyes.
Agnes and I had a ball! We are both still friends <G> and found we have more than weaving in common. We think in a similar way, so we appreciated the wonders of everything we saw, in both nature and in the people we met along the way. We now have brains full of inspirational images and ideas that will, at some point, find their way into our different forms of weaving. We’re now waiting with baited breath to find out where the next Convergence and Complex Weavers Seminars will be – so we can plan our next road trip in the US!!