Kuwait Impressions #3

On my last day in Kuwait, we visited the Al Hashemi II dhow which stands proudly on the waterline below the Radison SAS hotel.  Although the Maritime Museum was closed for a conference, we were able to wander over the dhow and take photographs.  It is a truly...

Kuwait Impressions

Welcome to part 2 of my photos of Kuwait.  I was only there for a few days, and a few of the museums Patricia and I went to visit were shut.  The one I’m really sorry about was the Tareq Rajab Museum.  If I ever get back to Kuwait, which I sincerely hope I will,...

Kuwait visit

I am sitting in my hotel room overlooking the bay towards the old Kuwait City.  Through the heat haze and the dust raised by the building works in the city, mingled with the higher dust raised by troops in the desert, I can see the murky outlines of some stunning high...

Take Three

I’ve written this blog several times now.  The first time round I was reflecting on Christmas, then I decided that what I’d written was probably too controversial!  The second time, I was talking about change but felt that was also too provocative! ...