by StaceyW | Jan 2, 2011 | Art, Education, Life, Nature, Philosophy, Psychology, Travel, Weaving
I’m very excited about 2011. Not about the financial and political situation we find ourselves in – we don’t have much control over the bigger picture there – but about things that we do have control over – our choices and how we choose...
by StaceyW | May 11, 2010 | Art, Education, Life, Philosophy, Psychology
Hunches and instinct are quite often dismissed by people as not important. If you are an emotional sort of person, and you believe in hunches and instincts, do you find, as I often do, that more left-brain types look down their noses at you, believing you to be in...
by StaceyW | Jan 22, 2010 | Art, Education, Life, Travel
Welcome to part 2 of my photos of Kuwait. I was only there for a few days, and a few of the museums Patricia and I went to visit were shut. The one I’m really sorry about was the Tareq Rajab Museum. If I ever get back to Kuwait, which I sincerely hope I will,...