Isn’t it wonderful how one thing leads on to another? Just after publishing my Honeycomb Hybrids book this week, I was contacted by Madeleine Jude, a weaver I met a few years ago. She was a student on the Diploma course run by Handweavers’ Studio in London and I was lucky enough to be one of the external assessors. She is a very busy weaver now and has a lovely website. She is also active in the London Guild of Weavers, Spinners & Dyers which was the hat she was wearing when she contacted me.
In the course of our online conversation, she brought up her latest project. I think this is really cool!! (The following text is edited from her website)
“Since the summer of 2016 Madeleine has been working alongside the South West Regional National Trust (UK) on a collection of limited edition lambswool throws, sales of which will go towards supporting the work of the Trust in protecting one of Cornwall’s most spectacular headlands – Trevose Head close to Padstow in North Cornwall. Her ambition is to weave 100 throws, the design of which is inspired by the natural habitat of this very special headland and she will be donating £50 from the proceeds of each sale with the aim of raising £5000 – enough to maintain the entire coast path around the headland for one year with a little to spare for wildlife habitat management.
The idea began when she heard that Trevose Head – a breathtakingly rugged and beautiful headland that has been designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and a Site of Special Scientific Interest – had come up for sale and the National Trust had successfully bid to purchase it. It is a place which holds great childhood memories and importance for her but it has been subject to considerable deterioration over the last 20 years, through coastal erosion and the heavy use of footpaths.
The Trust had set up a campaign to raise £250,000 to support the conservation work, so Madeleine contacted the South West Region of the Trust and talked to them about her idea. One year on she has launched her exclusive Trevose Head Collection of handwoven lambswool throws – inspired by her childhood memories of staying at Trevose Head.”
I think this is an amazing project, and kudos to Madeleine for her initiative!! I also have vivid memories of the North Cornish coast as a child. Cornwall is a magical place and inspirational to many people for many reasons! I hope she will announce when she reaches her goal! To see her Trevose Head throws and hopefully to buy one too, visit
I also promised to update the contact details for Silver Needles cone winders which I erroneously left off the blog post a few weeks ago!! My apologies to Silver Needles!! Contact info for Silver Needles : Barb Bankord, PO Box 2722, Carefree AZ 85377-2722 US
Email: Phone: 00 1 480-488-2620
Enjoy your week, whatever you are doing, especially if you are ….
Happy Weaving!!!