Develop techniques to adapt and personalise existing weaving drafts, gain confidence and skills and unlock your weaving creativity.
Check out the video below for details
“An excellent evening of learning and doing. Thank you so much. I thoroughly enjoyed it and learned an enormous amount…most of all, permission!!!”
“I just wanted to say thank you. I have had a play this morning cycling the dog bone design that I quickly did. It is an amazing effect. There is just so much about weaving to love.”
Join us for the next live workshop. Date to be announced.
Europe: 5.30 – 8.30 pm UK, 6.30 – 9.30 pm (Paris),
US: 12.30- 3.30 pm East Coast US, 9.30 – 12.30 am West Coast US
In this live workshop course, we will work through practical techniques for you to develop design skills and confidence using weaving drafts.
Who It’s For:
It’s designed for the novice weaver who can read 4-shaft weaving drafts and wants to be able to adapt them to become more personal or just to have a little fun playing around and seeing what they can start to do with drafts – a stepping stone into the playground of drafts. This 3-hour version is for weavers who have weaving software as the exercises will be done live.
If you prefer not to use weaving software, I have designed another version of this course in three 1-hour segments running over the course of one week so that you can do the exercises in between the sessions. Just send me an email to register your interest, and I’ll notify you of the next available dates.
- First steps on how to create your own drafts easily
- How to use existing drafts and turn them into new ideas
- How to adapt a threading from existing drafts
- How to create different effects using tie-ups
- How to play with treadling for more variations
- How to combine individual elements to generate new ideas
- How to troubleshoot if your design doesn’t work as you want
- What to know before taking your design to the warping board
- Weave drafting software and/or pencil & squared paper, eraser, scissors and tape
- 3 hours of your time
- Implementation time (practising the techniques)
COST: 75 €
“A great mix of teaching, practical and discussion.”
“Your workshop was pacey, lively, light hearted and very productive. Thank you very much.”